Modern life with its affluence, pace, competition and comparison weathers one’s soul. While we admit this life “works,” its very design—can affect us more than we know and can numb us to the purposes of God and obscure the way of Jesus.
Our culture requires a kind of fierceness to stay fully awake to God. We believe that wherever we live we can experience a deeper spirituality—by bringing ancient practices into our modern life.
“Become blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, in which you shine like stars in the world.”
– Philippians 2:15
Therefore: We will teach, encourage and devote ourselves to the Word, the practice of prayer, participation in worship, solitude and service for our inward spiritual formation. These practices and others offer a pathway to the presence of Christ and opens us to the work of God.