Details and directions for C1 ReCHARGE | ReSTART:
Our plan will meet State of Maryland and Baltimore County attendance limits and gathering directives for inside and out.
If you feel ill, have cold or flu like symptoms or have a temperature please continue ChurchONE at Home. We will continue to offer our weekly worship and teaching content online at ChurchONE.US. Seasonal allergy symptoms are similar to early COVID-19 reactions, please use caution in your self evaluation and consider others first. If you have fragile health or pre-existing conditions please join us for ChurchONE at Home.
Parking: for C1 ReCHARGE | ReSTART please park in every other space in the lots allowing for distance between those exiting and entering their cars.
Seating: We will gather on the south lawn below the breezeway and on the deck alongside the gym for those who may need a more stabile and level surface. Please bring your own beach or folding chairs or lawn blankets to reduce handling of shared surfaces. There will be designated sections marked for you so we can maintain physical distancing.
Refreshments: Please provide your own water, beverages and snacks and make sure to take any trash with you or place in the barrels located in the worship area when you leave.
PPE: Facial masks will be required. If you do not have one, disposable masks will be provided on the entrance table in sanitized envelopes for self-serve pick-up along with a hand sanitizer station.
Wear your mask when entering, exiting and while in the worship area and during congregational singing. We understand wearing masks can be uncomfortable and inconvenient for some. We desire to SERVE others who see them as necessary for attending and they also protect the vulnerable in our community.
Restrooms: Will be open in the west wing hall near the gym. Please access the building for their use only. Other spaces and the Sanctuary will be closed for gathering at this time.
We will not offer bulletins at this time. Worship lyrics will be emailed for you to print at home or on site by QR code provided at entry.
Buckets will be located in the worship area for your tithes and offerings.
We will not offer children's activities or classroom ministry for nursery thru High School at this time.
Children are to remain supervised and with their families at all times respecting physical distancing.
C1 ReCHARGE | ReSTART gatherings will run approximately 45 minutes.
We look forward to C1 ReCHARGE | ReSTART. If weather prevents us from safely meeting outside we will post notice on our website by 8AM and with email. Worship and teaching will be available online.