We will be supplying Thanksgiving Bags for those in our community in need of a Thanksgiving meal through the efforts of ACTC (Assistance Center of Towson Churches). Purchase ALL (and no more) of the specific items listed below per bag. Place all items in a sturdy grocery tote. (the ones you can buy for 1$) Feel free to assemble as many bags as you would like. Drop them off at ChurchONE on Sunday, November 15th before or after the service. (This will be a one week only collection per the ACTC deadline.) A pick up truck will be located in front of the church on Sunday, November 15th. Please place your bags in the truck. Thank you ChurchONE!
1 can yams/sweet potatoes (20 to 30 oz.)
2 cans meat or main dish (e.g., chili, pork and beans; 15 to 24 oz. each)
1 can fruit (20 to 30 oz.)
4 cans vegetables (e.g., corn, peas, green beans; 15 oz. each)
1 can cranberry sauce
2 boxes macaroni and cheese dinner
1 box instant mashed potatoes (13 to 15 oz.)
1 box cake/brownie mix
1 box/bag stuffing mix
1 box/bag rice (28 to 32 oz.)